2023 Seattle Times’ Best in the PNW
Ostroms: Gold Winner for Best Pharmacy
Our Pharmacy Services
Personalized medication formulated specifically for you.
Single Visit Plan
All your prescriptions ready at the same time, every month.
Discount ED Medicine
The same drugs as generic Viagra® and generic Cialis®, for 70% less!
Mobile App
Quickly refill prescriptions on the go, or contact the pharmacy
Our Team
Pharmacist Charina has been serving patients at Ostroms for over 20 years.
Charina supervises our Single Visit Plan and our Compounding programs.
Her calm demeanor and passion for patient care bring joy to the whole team.
Matt Binder
Pharmacist Matt joined Ostroms in 2017, bringing the knowledge, ideas, and passion acquired while achieving a Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the University of Washington.
We especially love Matt’s understanding of the importance of customer service!

Pharmacist Emily has been serving the community since 2017. She enjoys working for Ostroms, a family run business that values the community and long-term relationships. She is passionate about vaccinations and wants to make sure the community is protected and cared for.
B-Z Davis
Merchandise Manager
Our Merchandise Manager, B-Z Davis, started at Ostroms in High School with a part-time job and 45+ years later, she’s still here!
She proudly supervises the purchasing, display, and merchandising of the winner of “Bothell/Kenmore’s Best Gift Store” six straight years.
Our Location
Ostroms Drug & Gift
PO Box 82057
6414 NE Bothell Way
Kenmore,WA 98028-4819
Phone: (425) 486-7711
Fax: (425) 486-9639
Text: (425) 528-8232
Email: email@ostroms.com
Monday-Friday INSIDE STORE ……9:00am – 7:00pm
Monday-Friday DRIVE-THRU ……9:00am – 9:00pm
Saturday…… 9:00am – 6:00pm
Sunday…… 11:00am – 5:00pm
*Hours may change during power outages or inclement weather. Please call 425-486-7711 for current status.
Ostroms Drug & Gift | EdMedMart | EdMedMart.com
Bothell/Kenmore’s Best Gift Store